24x7 Customer Care: 18001807666, 1912

24x7 Customer Care




Detailed Procedures


Detailed Procedures

Grant of New Connection
  1. Application Submission:
    The applicant must submit an application in the prescribed format [or apply online at https://onlineapplication.jkpdd.net] along with the necessary documents, including proof of identity, proof of ownership/occupancy of the premises, and any other documents as required by the Licensee.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of providing the connection.
  3. Demand Note:
    If the connection is feasible, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating the estimated cost of the connection and any other applicable charges.
  4. Payment:
    The applicant must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Connection:
    Upon receipt of payment, the Licensee will proceed with the installation and energization of the connection within the timeline specified.
Temporary Connection
  1. Application Submission:
    The applicant must submit an application in the prescribed format along with the necessary documents and an advance payment as specified.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of providing the temporary connection.
  3. Demand Note:
    If the connection is feasible, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating the estimated cost of the connection and any other applicable charges.
  4. Payment:
    The applicant must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Connection:
    Upon receipt of payment and satisfactory testing of the consumer installation, the temporary connection will be provided as per the timeline specified.
  6. Extension:
    For extension of the period of temporary supply, the consumer must apply to the Licensee in writing at least 7 working days before the date of expiry of the temporary supply.
Shifting of Meter or Service Line
  1. Application Submission:
    The consumer must submit an application in the prescribed format along with the necessary documents.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of shifting the meter or service line.
  3. Demand Note:
    If feasible, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating the estimated cost and any other applicable charges.
  4. Payment:
    The consumer must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Shifting:
    Upon receipt of payment, the Licensee will proceed with the shifting of the meter or service line as per the timeline specified.
Change of Consumer Category
  1. Application Submission:
    The consumer must submit an application in the prescribed format [or apply online at https://onlineapplication.jkpdd.net] along with the necessary documents.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection if required.
  3. Demand Note:
    If applicable, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating any charges for the change of category.
  4. Payment:
    The consumer must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Change of Category:
    Upon receipt of payment, the Licensee will process the change of consumer category.
Enhancement or Reduction of Load
  1. Application Submission:
    The consumer must submit an application in the prescribed format [or apply online at https://onlineapplication.jkpdd.net] along with the necessary documents.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of the load change.
  3. Demand Note:
    If feasible, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating the estimated cost and any other applicable charges.
  4. Payment:
    The consumer must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Load Change:
    The consumer must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
Change of Name
  1. Application Submission:
    The consumer must submit an application in the prescribed format [or apply online at https://onlineapplication.jkpdd.net] along with the necessary documents such as proof of identity and proof of ownership/occupancy.
  2. Verification:
    The Licensee will verify the submitted documents.
  3. Processing:
    Upon successful verification, the Licensee will process the change of name.
Transfer of Ownership
  1. Application Submission:
    The applicant must submit an application in the prescribed format [or apply online at https://onlineapplication.jkpdd.net] along with the necessary documents such as proof of ownership, registered will/succession certificate, and NOC from other legal heirs if applicable.
  2. Verification:
    The Licensee will verify the submitted documents.
  3. Processing:
    Upon successful verification, the Licensee will process the transfer of ownership.
Shifting of Premises
  1. Application Submission:
    The consumer must submit an application in the prescribed format along with the necessary documents.
  2. Site Inspection:
    The Licensee will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of shifting the connection.
  3. Demand Note:
    If feasible, the Licensee will issue a demand note indicating the estimated cost and any other applicable charges.
  4. Payment:
    The consumer must pay the amount specified in the demand note within the stipulated time.
  5. Shifting:
    Upon receipt of payment, the Licensee will proceed with the shifting of the connection as per the timeline specified.

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