S# |
Title |
Ref No. |
Date issued |
Issuing Office |
1 | REVISED (R1) STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT for Sub-transmission and Distribution Works. | CE/P&P/KPDCL/TS/2505-06 | 2023-11-13 | CE P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
2 | LAYOUT OF BOTTOM CEMENT CONCRETE OF ST POLES | CE/P&P/Drg./2022/CCSTP001 | 2023-10-05 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
3 | 33 KV DOUBLE CIRCUIT LINE ON SINGLE POLE (13 MTR) | CE/P&P/Dwg./2023/D/C33kVL001 | 2023-08-31 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
4 | Drawings of Mounting Arrangement for Smart Meter | CE/P&P/Dwg/2023/lTMA/001 | 2023-04-10 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
5 | Cable Trench for 33kV Underground Cabling | CE/P&P/Dwg/2023/UGC/002 | 2023-03-11 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
6 | Drawing for 1.1 kV LT Underground cabling trench | CE/P&P/Dwg/2023/UGC/003 | 2023-03-24 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
7 | Cable Trench for 11kV Underground Cabling | CE/P&P/Dwg/2023/UGC/001 | 2023-03-17 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
8 | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GALVANISED STEEL STAY SETS For 11KV and 33KV lines. | CE/P&P/SPEC-GTP/2023/ STAY SET /033 | 2023-01-07 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
9 | Stay Set arrangement for 11kV and LT line | CE/P&P/Drg/2023/11kV/LT/SSA /001 | 2023-02-27 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
10 | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR 11kV AND 33kV 3-WAY, OUTDOOR TYPE RING MAIN UNIT | CE/P&P/SPEC/2023/11KV & 33KV RMU/030 | 2023-01-07 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
11 | TECHNICAL SPECS AND GTP FOR 1.1 kV GRADE, TWO CORE AND FOUR CORE UN-ARMOURED ALUMINIUM SERVICE LINE CABLES OF SIZES 10 mm2 , 16 mm2 , 25 mm2 & 35 mm2 | CE/P&P/SPECGTP/ 2022/ Service Line Cables/023 | 2022-08-12 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
12 | KPDCL: COST-DATA 2022-23 Sub- Transmission and Distribution Works | Cost Engineering Committee KPDCL | 2022-11-22 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
13 | DRAFT STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT for Sub-transmission and Distribution Works. | CE/P&P/SDD Draft-Word file | 2023-02-06 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
14 | Drawing of 33kV /0.433 KV STATION TRANSFORMER ON 9 MTR ST POLES | CE/P&P/Drg/2023/33kV SSTN/001 | 2023-02-04 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
15 | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 33 kV, 800 A ISOLATORS WITH AND WITHOUT EARTHING SWITCH | GTP No: CE/P&P/SPECGTP/ 2023/ 33 kV isolator/32 | 2023-01-07 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
16 | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR 11 kV, 630 A ISOLATOR WITH EARTHING SWITCH | CE/P&P/SPECGTP/ 2023/ 11 kV Isolator /31 | 2023-01-07 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
17 | Temporary LT Fuse Set For Distribution Transformers | CE/P&P/DRG/2023/LTFS/001 | 2023-01-24 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
18 | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF 11kV and 33kV HORN GAP FUSESET | CE/P&P/SPEC/2023/Horn gap fuse/029 | 2023-01-07 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
19 | Technical Specifications and Guaranteed Technical Particulars for ACSR Conductor of Various Sizes | CE/P&P/SPEC-GTP/2023/ ACSR /019 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
20 | Technical Specifications and Guaranteed Technical Particulars for Steel Tubular Poles of Various Sizes | CE/P&P/SPEC-GTP/2023/ST Poles/020 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
21 | G.A and Componants of 33 kV, 800A Double Break Isolator without Earth Switch | CE/P&P/Drg/2023/33kVDBI/001 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
22 | G.A and Componants of 11kV, 600/800A Double Break Isolator with Earth Switch | CE/P&P/Drg/2023/11kVDBI/001 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
23 | Tehnical Specifications of Outdoor Type Three Phase Oil Immersed 11kV/433-250V, 50 Hz, Distribution Transformers of Energy Efficiency Level-2 of rating 250kVA, 400kVA & 630kVA | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/COPPER TRANSFORMER/022 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
24 | Technical Specifications of High Voltage Detector 36 kV | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/HV DETECTOR/024 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
25 | Tehnical Specifications of Outdoor Type Three Phase Oil Immersed 11kV/433-250V, 50 Hz, Aluminum Wound Distribution Transformers of Energy Efficiency Level-2 of rating 25kVA, 63kVA, 100kVA & 200kVA | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/ALUMINUM TRANSFORMER/021 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
26 | Technical Specifications of 11 kV/33 kV Polymer Disc Insulator | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/Disc Insulator/027 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
27 | Technical Specifications of 11 kV/33kV Polymer Pin Insulator | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/PIN INSULATOR/026 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
28 | Technical Specifications of Gapless Surge Arrester | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/Gapless Surge Arrester /028 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
29 | Technical Specifications of 11 kV Air Break Switch | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/ABSWITCH/025 | 2023-07-01 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
30 | Drawing of Earthing Discharge Rod | CE/P&P/Drg/2022/FRPER001 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
31 | Spike/Pipe type Earthing for Poles and DTs and Earth Pit location for DTs | CE/P&P/Drg/2022/E-001-003 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
32 | Layout of Bottom Cement Concrete of ST Poles | CE/P&P/Drg/2022/CCSTP/001-002 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
33 | Technical Specification of DG Sets with AMF Panel | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/DG SETS/009 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
34 | Technical Specification of 33kV CT/PT Combined Unit. | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/33KV CTPT COMBINED UNIT/013 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
35 | Technical Specification of Extendable Aluminum Ladder 2 X 20 Feet | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/Aluminium ladder/010 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
36 | Technical Specification for 1.1kV, XLPE, Aerial Bunched Cables | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/AB Cable/1.1kV/008 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
37 | Technical Specification for 11kV, XLPE, Aerial Bunched Cables | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/ABCable/11kV/007 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
38 | Technical Specification of 11kV and 33kV Single and Three Core Armoured Aluminum Conductor, XLPE Cable | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/XLPECable/33kV&11kV/005 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
39 | Technical Specification of 1.1kV Single Core Un-armoured Aluminum Conductor, XLPE Cable | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/XLPE Cable/1.1kV/006 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
40 | Technical Specification for 33kV, Potential Transformer | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/33 KV Potential Transformer/012 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
41 | Technical Specification for 33kV, Current Transformer | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/ 33kKVCurrent Transformer/011 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
42 | Technical Specification for 6.3 MVA and 10 MVA, 33/11kV Power Transformer with OLTC | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/33/11kV power transformers/003 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
43 | Technical Specification for 33kV, 1600 Amp, Vacuum Circuit Breaker | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/33kV VCB/004 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
44 | Technical Specification of 30 Volt, 100 AH, Float Cum Boost Battery Charger | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/Battery Charger/016 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
45 | Technical Specification of 30 Volt, DC Distribution Panel for 33/11kV Sub Station | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/30V DC Distribution Panel/014 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
46 | Technical Specification of 30 Volt, 100 AH VRLA Battery Bank for 33/11kV Sub Station | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/VRLA Battery Bank/017 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
47 | echnical Specification of 433 Volt AC Distribution Panel for 33/11kV Sub Station | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/433 V AC Distribution Panel/015 | 2022-12-08 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
48 | Technical Specifications/ Drawings for 33/11kV Sub Station | CE/P&P/Dwg/2022 /33kV 001-006 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd | |
49 | Pole mounted three phase distribution box | CE/P&P/Drg/2022 PMDB001 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
50 | Guidelines for Consumer Inspections and Metering | MD/KPDCL/TS-1/7165-7 | NA | MD, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
51 | LT Distribution Box for 25/63/100/200/250/400 kVA Distribution Transformer | CE/P&P/DRG/2022 /LTDB001-006 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation | |
52 | Technical Specification for 33kV Control and Relay Panels (Transformer and Feeder) | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/33kVCRP/002 | 2022-01-06 | P&P Wing, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
53 | Safety Manual | CE/P&P/SPEC/2022/Safety Manual/001 | 2022-01-06 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
54 | GA & Components of 11kV Line Formation on 9 mtr. ST Poles (Set-II) | Drawing No. CE/P&P/Drg/2022 /11kV L007-0013 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
55 | GA & Components for 33kV Line Formation on 11mtr ST Poles. | Drg. No. CE/P&P/Drg/2022/33kVL 001-010 | 2022-12-05 | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
56 | Installation of Aerial Optical Fibre Cables within permissible working load of the Pole Supports of KPDCL | MD/KPDCL/PS/383-88 | 2022-05-05 | Managing Director, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
57 | General Arrangement Drawing for 11 KV GOAB Switch for DTs | Drawing No. CE/P&P/Drg/2022 /11kV ABS001-002 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
58 | General Arrangement Drawing for 11 kV and 33kV Horn Gap Fuse | CE/P&P/Drg / 2022 /11kV HFG001. | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
59 | GA & Components Drawing for LT Lines formation on 8m ST Poles. | Drg. No. CE/P&P/Drg/2022/LTL 001-013 | NA | P&P Wing Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
60 | Year Book 2020-21 with Sub-Transmission and Distribution Standards | PDD-ST/34/2021-03 | 2022-08-03 | Secretary (Technical), Civil Secretariat, J&K. | |
61 | GA & Components Drawing of 63/100/250 KVA DTR on 9 M ST Poles. | Drg. No. CE/P&P/Drg/2022 DTR 001-008 | NA | P&P Wing, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
62 | Guideline for installation of PCC Poles of 200/250 kG Working load for LT Lines | CE/P&P/2022/PCCGL-002 | 2022-06-04 | P&P Wing, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
63 | GA & Components of 11kV line formation on 9mtr STP (410-SP33) | CE-P&P-2022-11kV L001 to 006 | 2022-01-04 | P&P Wing, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
64 | Galvanised Channel Iron Earthing Arrangement for all types of ST Poles | CE/P&P/Dwg./2022-STP-E001 | NA | P&P Wing, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. | |
65 | Standard Operating Procedure for Safe Working | MD/KPDCL/Ts/I/1040-48 | NA | MD, Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited | |